19 Jun 2018

Did you Know? You should wear sunscreen every day. Yes, daily!

You probably wear sunscreen during the summer months. Well as a matter of fact, you have got to wear your sunscreen every day of the year, may it be cloudy or rainy. Don’t be surprised! Here are the reasons why:

According to FDA, UV rays are always present, independently of cold or hot weather, and are not blocked by clouds, up to 80%. On overcast days, only visible rays from the sun are blocked. These Ultraviolet rays will ultimately harm your skin over time, causing premature aging, eye damage, immune system suppressions, and could lead to skin cancer.

Regardless of how you treated your skin in the past, it is never too late to start doing the right things today. Thus, we invite you hereby to look at below facts and take an immediate action:

1. Knowledge is key:

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You actually face daily 2 kinds of ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun: UVA and UVB. UVB rays are the ones that cause sunburn and their intensity varies from summer to winter. UVA rays have the same intensity all around the year: They penetrate deeper in your skin and can cause skin aging. Unfortunately, their action is not reversible and we must protect ourselves at all times from these rays.

2. Intensity of sun’s rays is higher in winter during snowy days:

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As per the Skin Cancer Foundation, up to 80 percent of the sun’s UV rays can pass through clouds. This is exactly how you end up getting sunburn on cloudy days if not wearing sunscreen. Also, remember that winter sports can expose us to more harmful rays because the snow can reflect up to 80% of the harmful UV rays increasing our exposure and UV radiation is also more intense at higher elevations.

3. Help your children develop this good habit:

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Sun’s damage is cumulative. Every day that you don’t protect your skin is another day that increased your risk of developing skin cancer. We strongly recommend, you adopt this good habit of protecting yourself and your children daily. They will carry it through their adulthood, once they are used to it.

4. It helps you prevent brown spots and skin pigmentation:
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Once there, brown spots on your skin are difficult to remove. It literally might take years of treatment as these are stubborn. Even though they disappear with the help of creams and treatments, they still want to rise to the surface again. Once you damage your skin, it’s so difficult to recover from it. Think about that next time you are relaxing on the beach or laying in a tanning bed without the proper protecting sunscreen!

5. It slows down the skin aging process

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Even with the use of expensive skincare creams and lotions, if you don’t use sunscreen daily, you are wasting your time and money. The ultraviolet rays penetrate into the skin, and harm the elastic fibers that keep skin firm, allowing wrinkles to develop. As a matter of fact, no one wants to look older than their years.

6. It is probably the best measure to keep skin cancer away

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Experts confirm that there are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. UV radiation and tanning beds are linked to all of them. Almost 95% of all skin cancers are basal cell and squamous cell cancers. Also called non-melanoma skin cancers, they are highly curable when treated early. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It starts in skin pigment cells called melanocytes.

Now that you know, a daily sun protection routine from the French brand SOSKIN is the perfect solution for protecting your skin daily from the sun’s harmful rays and at the same time, getting on that beautifully, healthy glowing skin you have always wanted. Its light water resistant texture leaves no white streaks when applied.

Apply on all body, face and neck 30 minutes before exposure. Don’t forget ears, hands, feet, nose, lips and insteps. Avoid eye contact.
Renew generously every two hours, especially after swimming, perspiring or toweling.
Avoid exposure during periods of maximum sun intensity ( Between 12 pm and 4 pm)
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